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Figures from movie industry worldwide

As global cinema industry figures are published annually, some of the figures might raise eyebrows, while others would simply astonish the readers. ifilm highlights some of those figures, based on globally published statistics, in this series of articles (in tips format).

The subsequent reports include both the theatrical market and home entertainment market.

1- The global box office (an all-film sum) hit $40.6 Billion in 2017. That is 5 percent more than 2016.

2- China had a big role in the 7 percent increase in the international box office, while that of the US/Canada showed a 2 percent decrease.

3- Number of screens in cinemas rose 8 percent; currently, there are 170,000 of them across the world, with Asia showing the largest growth (+16%).

4- Iran’s box office saw an 18% growth in the meantime. Also, the number of seats per viewer showed a 13% rise in the country.

Stay with ifilm in the next section, covering the trends in home entertainment worldwide.

